As a writer, few things are more important to your success than writing as often as possible. The more you write, the better you get at it. This comes from both practice and increased confidence in your abilities.
Although most writers have a favorite time and place to do their best work, some of them tend to be unfocused and unproductive during our writing sessions.
One of the best things to boost your writing productivity is to set a daily word count goal.
However, knowing how much to write every day can be difficult to determine. When most people think about their writing goals, they often consider finishing their first novel, becoming a published author, or signing with a literary agent.
But while these are great long-term goals, they don't help you break down your larger objectives into daily actions that make them achievable.
So, how much should you write every day? How many words should you aim for?
There isn't an exact answer to this question because it varies from writer to writer. However, there are several ways you can increase your daily word count and become more productive in your writing sessions.
Seven best practices to increase your word count
Here are 7 Practices to Increase Your Daily Word Count:
1. Outline what you're going to write before you start writing it
Writing is easier if you first outline what you're going to write. It will give you a clearer sense of what information needs to be included and how to sequence it.
At a minimum, it's worth brainstorming the following:
The structure of your article (headings and subheadings). The main points of the article (what are the three most important things you want your reader to take away from it?). Each main point will usually get its own paragraph or two.
Examples of case studies that support each point you make. These can come from experience, research, or anecdotes.
An opening sentence or paragraph intrigues your audience and makes them want to read more. This is also known as a "hook" in some writing circles.
As a writer, it's very easy to get caught up in your work and lose sight of what you're trying to say. To prevent this from happening, it's important to be able to step back from time to time and look at what you've created from an outside
You may even find that some of the best ideas come from challenging your premise or from looking at things from a different angle.
2. Set a word count goal
It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're trying to write more. You may have a lot of ideas, and you want to focus on what you want to say. But being able to sit down and start writing is difficult. So how do you know how much time you
should spend writing? Where do you begin?
If you're a writer, the answer is easy: You need to set a daily word count goal.
A Word count goal is one of the most important goals you can set for yourself, and it's something expert writers highly recommend. Whether you're a writer or not, setting a word count goal can be beneficial to your overall productivity,
time management, and even creativity.
So how does a word count goal work? Basically, you set an achievable word count goal for yourself each day. This could be 500 words, 1,000 words, or 2,000 words - whatever works best for you.
From there, you try to hit that daily word count goal as often as possible. If you don't hit your word count one day, then you simply try to make up the difference in your next writing session.
3. Use an online notepad tool
Using an online notepad tool can help you increase the daily word count. It will also improve your creative thinking and can make you more productive.
Here is why:
You don't have to open a word processing tool and start writing what you feel passionate about. You just have to open another tab and visit the online notepad website. Here you can start writing right away without wasting a second. It's
always in front of your eyes.
It assists in removing the distractions of your phone and computer. For example, when you write your notes in notebooks, you don't have to worry about notifications from Facebook, Twitter, or emails popping up on your screen. You also
don't need to check your phone for messages because you know you will be able to see them after writing some notes.
It is better for the environment. If you use an online notepad tool or a note-taking app like Notion, it helps with tree conversation.
It helps share notes with other people easier than other methods like email. You can share your notes by giving them access to your Dropbox account or Google Drive folder, where they'll find all of their files as well as yours.
It's cheaper than buying notebooks every year which adds up over time if you're using a lot of them at once like me.
4. Make writing a part of your routine
Writing can often feel like a chore, especially when your daily word count is low. It's important to be consistent with your writing, but you don't want to burn out on it.
Making writing a part of your routine can really help with this. For example, if you write at the same time every day, you'll find that your brain starts to get used to it - and even start looking forward to it.
Write at the same time every day. When you get in the habit of doing something at a certain time every day, it becomes easier to do it again and again. Writing is no different in this regard. If you write at night after work or first thing in the
the morning before work, stick with what works for you and your schedule.
When it comes to writing, consistency is key. As authors, we all have busy lives, and it can be a challenge to find time to write. However, if you want to achieve your goals as an author, you need to make writing a part of your daily life.
There's no way around it: Writing is both a craft and a discipline.
5. Have a dedicated writing space
Pick a quiet area, has good lighting, and is free of distractions. It may be a desk in the corner of your bedroom, a small table in the kitchen, or even the dining room table (if it's not used very often).
The most important thing is to have a space to set up and focus on your writing. You don't need to go out and buy new furniture or make extensive renovations. You might even be able to pick up a used desk at a local thrift shop or yard
A dedicated writing space can be a huge help to your writing productivity. If you're still trying to write in bed, the couch, or sitting at the kitchen table, you might find yourself getting distracted and not getting as much done as you'd like.
Studies have shown that having a dedicated writing space helps increase your daily word count. A dedicated writing space helps with two things. First, it gives you a place where it's easy to focus on writing because there's nothing else to do.
Second, having a specific place where you write each day can help you develop a routine and get into writing mode more easily.
When setting up your workspace, think about what will make it easiest to focus on your work and get into the "writing zone" quickly. For example, some writers find that classical music helps them write, while others prefer white noise or
Some writers prefer to sit at their desks while they work, while others prefer to stand or even walk around the room while they write. Make sure your chair is comfortable enough that it doesn't let you feel uncomfortable while writing.
6. Enjoy your writing
It can be not easy to enjoy your writing. Some days you're just not in the mood. But if you can force yourself to write every day, even when you're not feeling it, you'll get into the habit of writing and find it much easier to put down words.
Writing is a solitary activity, but that doesn't mean you need to do everything yourself. If you're struggling with writing or life in general, find a community that can help motivate you, give advice and provide support. Writing groups are great
for this purpose, as are forums and even social media groups.
If you're new to a particular genre, it can be helpful to join a group dedicated to that genre to learn more about it from the people who consume it regularly. This will help give you insight into what readers want and expect from stories in
that genre.
7. Track your writing progress
Sometimes writers can be great at keeping track of their daily lives, and then other times, they can lose track of time and spend it all in the world that exists between their ears.
The problem is, when you're writing a book, it's not just about having time to write the book but putting the words on the page.
One of the most useful ways to increase your daily word count is to set a daily target and then work out how many words you need to write per day to hit that target. You can use tools like LogicBalls word counter to easily track your progress and stay on top of your daily word count goals.
Tracking your writing progress can help you stay motivated and increase your writing productivity.
Writers have a love/hate relationship with their work. When they have a passion for writing, it doesn't feel like work. But it can crush their productivity and motivation when they face challenging situations - too much work, too little
motivation, writers' block, family issues.
When you face these challenges as a writer, you may find yourself in a rut and wondering if you can ever be successful at this again. However, tracking your progress and adding a little more to your writing habit can help increase your daily
word count.